Wednesday 3 June 2009


the more hours i'm awake the worse my hunger pains get
;but enjoying them means i'm closer to it
i should sleep but i want ana now
its hard...
current weight atm
7st 7lbs
gosh, get me out of this fat suit
my bmi is healthy, but i want it to be less thaan that
i always say tomroow will be different
but some times i just wait for tomroow to come
thursday my plan is
yogurt x2
red bull [diet]

failure is not an option
at this point
it certainly is not

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1 comment:

  1. Don't worry you'll get there you just have to stay strong! I hate shuffling in bed thinking about how just a couple slices of bread will help you to get to sleep. But if your struggling so much you know it's working. Remember the harder you try the faster it'll come. Good luck!
